thats amazing story.
very clever.
what happened to the other one?
yeah! its much better,
not bad.
very cool.
its good to know about it? where did you get that information?
when will you go online?
sure, why not!
i think you add more info about it.
thats amazing story.
SvaraRaderavery clever.
SvaraRaderavery clever.
SvaraRaderawhat happened to the other one?
SvaraRaderayeah! its much better,
SvaraRaderanot bad.
SvaraRaderavery cool.
SvaraRaderaits good to know about it? where did you get that information?
SvaraRaderawhen will you go online?
SvaraRaderathats amazing story.
SvaraRaderawhen will you go online?
SvaraRaderayeah! its much better,
SvaraRaderasure, why not!
SvaraRaderai think you add more info about it.
SvaraRaderavery clever.