onsdag 9 mars 2011

Benny Gold expanderar

En av mina favoritdesigners, Benny Gold öppnar upp en ny butik/studio/lager i SF lite centralare lite större lite finare. Ska bli kul att se vad han kan göra av att han får större och mer utrymme för sin kreativa sida.

Benny säger:
"The past few months we have been dropping hints about something major in the works. Well, here it is — I am pleased to announce that we are moving our SF flagship store to a bigger location!

As much as we love our current store we have outgrown it in a short amount of time. I can’t wait to show you the new space! The store build out is coming along nicely and we are set to move next month… it is going to be great! Thank you for all the support that has made this possible and we hope to see you at our grand opening party!"

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